Ab August werde ich 10 Monate im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten leben!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September 15. + 16.Weekend

Day 33 -15. September 2012 Saturday

That day was again a saturday, means sleeping longer! As I woke up, nobody was home. It was so silent, I'm not used to that anymore, haha! Well the time I was alone I simply ate some breakfast and ironed my clothes. at 3 p.m. they came back home again, and brought me some burger, apple slices and sweet tea. Yummy.  Then we watched some movies, like Happy Feet 2, the beginng of Speed 2 and another movie I can't remember. In the afternoon we went to Buffallo. There Rost,Kariden and I played Basrball!  They tried to teach me how to throw and catch a ball, that was so funny!!  Then I tried to hit the ball with the bat, I hit it!! I was so proud of that, even Dad said I was good, and everybody cheered, that so amazing and funny!!
After eating I spent time with Kariden and the kids, we ate Marshmallows and sat around the fire.

Day 34 -16. September 2012 Sunday

That Sunday, after church Nikki  sorted and cleaned her clothes and I got some of hers. At 1 p.m. we went to school  and helped to decorate the hallway for Homecoming. I drew Batman, that was really fun! 
After we got back home we soon went to church again and this time I really liked it. We had to make a song about cornflakes, it should be like a jingle, that was fun! At home I had to eat Cornflakes, guess why?!
Also I seached for clothes I wanted to wear on Monday, because on that Monday Homecoming week should start. Also I watched "Lair Lair" with Dad, that movie's hilarious! I laughed so much!

Pictures of Hall Decoration should come soon.

xoxo Clarissa

P.S.: I LOVE AMERICA!!  But I also miss you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, ich möchte auch total gerne ein Jahr im Ausland verbringen und cih bewerbe mich zurzeit bei der Organisation Into für ein Vollstipendium und da geht es um Stimmen die drei mit den meisten Stimmen gewinnen dieses Stipendium also wäre es super wenn du da vielleicht für mein Video abstimen könntest, einfach auf den Link klicken.


    Und super wäre noch wenn du bei deinen Abonnenten, Freunde, Familie...Werbung dafür machen würdest-denn jede Stimme zählt :)

    Dankeschöön schon mal im voraus

    Habe den gleichen Traum wie du also wäre es schön wenn du mir helfen könntest ihn zu verwirklichen :)
